256 Win Mag as well as rifles chambered in. When the Model 62 launched in 1963, early promotion featured the. The safety is located beside the lever, just behind the trigger, and works to lock the trigger as well as the lever. To feed this rifle, a 3-round detachable box was held in place via a button just fore of the lever. The Model 62 came from the factory with a 23-inch barrel, ramp front sight and removable sight hood. In keeping with its then-modern design, the Model 62 retained the rimfires’ one-piece Monte Carlo profile carved from black walnut. Another Robinson/Marlin patent, Micro-Groove rifling used 16 shallow grooves instead of the standard Ballard-type six deep grooves. Continuing from the Model 56 and 57 designs, The Marlin Model 62 used Micro-Groove rifling. The Levermatic’s solid-top receiver also offered side ejection, making top-mounted optics possible, too. Moving the lever down just two inches allowed an action that worked faster than a turn-bolt, and nearly as fast as a semi-auto. This patent offered much quicker shell ejection and reloading than earlier lever-gun designs that required a 90 degree stroke. Tom Robinson, one of Marlin’s top engineers after WW II, designed the Levermatic with a 25-degree lever stroke. 22 WMR, you guessed it, in 1956 and ’57, respectively. 22 LR was shortly followed by the Model 57. Following Kessler’s dissolution, Marlin licensed the idea and began producing rifles using a similar design. This cam-and-roller system was originally invented by Kessler Arms Company for their Model 50 “Lever-Matic” shotgun. The Model 62 Levermatic is a short-throw lever design. The Levermatic differed from Marlin’s traditional lever-action rifles in that it employed a cam-and-roller system giving it an extremely smooth and short lever throw to eject and reload a fresh cartridge. The Marlin Levermatic was a family of lever-action rimfire rifles created by the company in the mid-1950s. 357-based rifle chambered in the Winchester-Ruger collaboration. 25 caliber to fit in the now-rare Ruger Hawkeye pistol in 1961. Ruger and Winchester got on the same track when they modified a. Winchester got wind of what the competition was doing when the firearms industry started making noise about Smith & Wesson’s Model 53 revolver chambered in. 256 Winchester Magnum was an small-town gun auction find. 256 Winchester Magnum, calling it, simply, the Model 62. Much further down the list of significant world happenings that year was Marlin Firearms Company introducing their Levermatic rifle in a hot new cartridge, the. James Meredith was the first black student to register at the University of Mississippi, and the Cuban Missile Crisis took the United States and the Soviet Union took the world to the brink of global nuclear war. Bob Dylan and the Beetles started cranking out hits. Kennedy promised to put a man on the moon.